Throwback Thursday: The Mighty Bell

The Mighty Bell first appeared on January 6th, 2016.  It was the second entry on my newly minted blog!  It is reproduced here with some updates and additions by kind permission of the author, who, being me, was very gracious of myself.

About a year into living with Hershey I started losing sleep. Not due to worry, or stress, but to the application of a large, wet nose to the soles of my feet.

Hershey had, using her powers of observation, noticed two things:

1) As the only human in the house, I was responsible for feeding her.

2)  I usually fed her shortly after waking up. 

Using perfectly sound dog logic she came to the following conclusion:

If I was awake earlier, she would eat earlier. 

Thus began Operation Enduring Moistness.

Continue reading “Throwback Thursday: The Mighty Bell”

Throwback Thursday: The Mighty Bell

Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday

Large brown dog, small tan dog, and small black dog staring intently into the camera.OK, I’ve been about 98.9% faithful to this whole “Wordless Wednesday” format.  A few times I think I’ve included captions, but for the most part I’ve posted little more than a title and a picture.  Today’s offering is breaking with that for a very important reason, so I hope you’ll bear with me.  If not, scroll down to the end for today’s wordless picture!

Continue reading “Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday”

Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday

Blog Paws 2016: Day One

I’m an early riser.  Even when I’m not coordinating primates I can’t seem to get off the school year schedule. So going to bed near 11 and waking up near 4 wasn’t that much of surprise to me, even on vacation.

The trouble is, the conference isn’t scheduled for insane people like me.  Registration begins at 9 am, and the sessions don’t start until noon. So I had a few hours to kill.

The first was slain attempting to get back to sleep and then making coffee.

Continue reading “Blog Paws 2016: Day One”

Blog Paws 2016: Day One

BlogPaws 2016: Day Zero (& Day -1)

I had planned to drive from Fresno to Phoenix for BlogPaws 2016 in one day.  It’d only be 10 hours!  It’d only be 600+ miles!  Sure, that would be easy.  Then after telling a few people about my plan (OK, telling my mother) I began to think about wisdom of said plan.  Then after Palm Springs broke its own temperature record, hitting 122 on Monday, it suddenly didn’t seem like the wisest idea to be driving a 16 year old car through the desert during the hottest part of the day.

So after some hemming and hawing and waiting until practically the last minute, I booked a room at the Red Roof Inn in Palm Desert and high tailed it out of Fresno at 5 pm on Tuesday.  I was a bit pressed for time as I had to claim the room by midnight.  There was some wiggle room, an hour or so, so it didn’t seem like it would be that much of a challenge…  But you know the saying “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.”

I am the J.J. Abrams of selfies.

Continue reading “BlogPaws 2016: Day Zero (& Day -1)”

BlogPaws 2016: Day Zero (& Day -1)

Caturday: Caturdog Part Two

When I wrote the first post about Graham’s cat-like behavior I blithely asserted in the comments that he shows no interest in that perennial favorite of cats, boxes.  Well, like the small, rebellious creature that he is, Graham has decided to prove me wrong.

Perhaps he’s decided to provide some blog fodder as I’ve been kind of low on inspiration these last few weeks.  I’ve got a few posts in the draft stage but they don’t seem to be going anywhere.  Then, along comes Graham with a silly new behavior to get me going again.

Anyone have any silly behaviors they’d like to share (pet’s behaviors I mean) to let me know I’m not the only one living with a semi-deranged animal?

Caturday: Caturdog Part Two


Graham likes to howl.  I found this out one day years ago by being silly and saying “dog, daawg, daaaaaaaaawg” and much to my surprise he started singing along with me!!  He will howl with other people but nothing else seems to set him off; not fire trucks, not police cars, not other dogs.

Since I discovered his talent we’ve been having sporadic singalongs.  It’s noisy, it’s ear splitting, and it’s NEVER. NOT. FUNNY.

My mom was over last night and took this picture of our duet.  She’s threatening to take video next time!

Update: 5/7/16

OK, by popular demand I’ve included a video of a previous singalong. I don’t think the vocal are a polished as other performances and there was some hijinx from the road crew. Enjoy!
