
March wasn’t what I’d hoped or expected, either in blogging or in real life.  March, quite frankly, sucked.


The first problem with March was a carryover problem from February, Hershey and her damned dewclaw.  The cut she’d inflicted on her left paw by punching through my front window had been in a place where it could be stapled.  It had healed up beautifully; I’m not even sure where it was now.  The cut on her right paw had been in the space between her dewclaw and the rest of the paw.  It was in a tricky area, basically impossible to stitch or staple so the vet left it to heal on its own.  It had other ideas.

It was almost healed and then was opened up.  It almost healed from that and opened up again.  It almost healed from that and then it ripped Marsha’s ear open.

Let me explain:

Continue reading “March”


Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday

Large brown dog, small tan dog, and small black dog staring intently into the camera.OK, I’ve been about 98.9% faithful to this whole “Wordless Wednesday” format.  A few times I think I’ve included captions, but for the most part I’ve posted little more than a title and a picture.  Today’s offering is breaking with that for a very important reason, so I hope you’ll bear with me.  If not, scroll down to the end for today’s wordless picture!

Continue reading “Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday”

Totally Non-Wordless Wednesday

100th Post!

We critters with notions of place value and base ten counting certainly love us some round numbers, don’t we?  There’s something about a number with a zero in the one’s place that just makes it more satisfying than numbers without; and what’s better than a single zero at the end?  Two zeroes!

100 of anything seems like an accomplishment.  10 is easy to get to, 1,000 seems too remote and unreal, but 100 is a manageable accomplishment.

So here’s Smoredog’s 100th post!  Granted, over half of those were ‘Wordless Wednesdays’ put up at the last minute, but what can you do?  Now on to 200!!

100th Post!

BlogPaws 2016: Days Two & Three

The main thing to know about BlogPaws wasn’t really the workshops I went to or the speakers I heard. The real story is that Marsha rocked it!

For a dog who’s fate was supposed to be to guard an empty house she handled the conference better than I could have hoped.  The first day really was the first day she knew there were so many other people and other critters in the world.

Unlike Graham, who’s reactions to the world are first and foremost ruled by fear and aggression, Marsha’s take on life is one of cautious optimism.  She’s unsure at first, about a new person, new dog, or new balloon animal, but on repeat meetings she much more enthusiastic.

Continue reading “BlogPaws 2016: Days Two & Three”

BlogPaws 2016: Days Two & Three

Blog Paws 2016: Day One

I’m an early riser.  Even when I’m not coordinating primates I can’t seem to get off the school year schedule. So going to bed near 11 and waking up near 4 wasn’t that much of surprise to me, even on vacation.

The trouble is, the conference isn’t scheduled for insane people like me.  Registration begins at 9 am, and the sessions don’t start until noon. So I had a few hours to kill.

The first was slain attempting to get back to sleep and then making coffee.

Continue reading “Blog Paws 2016: Day One”

Blog Paws 2016: Day One

I’m a Big Boy Blogger!

This is the start of month 5 of my dipping a toe into the blogging world (and really I’ve got to be hip deep by now at least!) so I thought I’d dive in and make the commitment.  What does this mean?  Well, I’ve signed up for a year of Premium Plan on WordPress!  What does that mean for you my thousands, millions, dozens of daily readers?  Almost absolutely nothing, except you can now find me at, instead of smoredogs.word  What does it mean for me?  Well, aside from being able to store even more pictures of my adorable and annoying (addoying?) critters and being able to customize the blog’s look (a terrifying prospect) I’m not entirely sure!  I’ll have to fiddle around with it and find out.

In other blog site news I added a page in the menu about S’mores for any international readers who are unfamiliar with American diabetes enhancers desserts, and so missing the joke behind my dogs’ and the blog’s name.

I’m a Big Boy Blogger!

Blog Paws Conference

Holy Cow!  It’s only 60 days until the Blog Paws Conference in Phoenix?!  I’m already registered and paid up, but I’m still deciding how to get there.  If I fly I’m going solo, but if I drive my 16 year old car I can bring a critter!  I’m thinking Hershey, but then I’m thinking of all the small animals there that she’d be SUPER interested in….  Still haven’t made up my mind, but I AM going!

Anyone else?  Here are links to the sign up page and conference schedule for anyone interested:

Sign up


Hope to meet some of you in two scant months!

Blog Paws Conference